Mar 13Liked by Gina Wisotzky

Oh man… when I first saw the Five of Pentacles I thought NOT AGAIN!!! 😩 But your insight provided the much needed balance. Thank you!!

Also, The High Priestess keeps showing up in my personal readings. Like, to the point that it’s kinda starting to freak me out. What does it mean?? HALP! Might be time for a persona reading with you again ❤️

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Gina, thank you for all of your weekly readings. They truly have helped me feel seen, supported, validated, and guided over the past year – my most changing and tough of my existence. This week's reading feels especially on point for me. Thank you for reminding us to stay present, patient, and rested even during times that feel familiar in not great ways. With diligence, dedication, and consistent maintenance of self and our surroundings, may we all continue to rise. Sending you grace, peace, love and joy ✌🏻

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Thanks for this insightful reading as I am feeling so out of sorts due to the time change, so I have already made some bad decisions today.

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