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I pulled the 8 of Swords two weeks in a row, and each time it moved one position over. This gave me the sense that I am untangling the intellectual knots that keep me stuck in analysis paralysis, preventing me from fully inhabiting my body and my life. I didn’t pull it this week, but I opened my email to see it staring back at me from a new position—one more step along the path of trusting my intuitive nature.

The 8 of Pentacles feels like a nudge to keep going—slowly, steadily, and patiently. Oof, that reminder hits, but there’s wisdom in trusting the process and not getting too stuck in your head, like the 8 of Swords, or overdoing it, like the 10 of Wands. The 9 of Wands feels equally fitting, as I’m at the point in the day where I either choose to rest or press on. Listening to you read this felt like a gentle nod to nurture myself with a silly show and some laughter—honoring the day’s work and the cycles of the sun. It gets dark so early now that I find myself getting sleepy at 4. Haha.

Thank you, Gina, for always showing up! Even when it’s challenging, it’s inspiring to witness. Many blessings for the Winter Solstice and happy holidays!

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