Jun 17Liked by Gina Wisotzky

Thank you! Last week my toddler and then I came down ill. It totally disrupted our schedule and also made me realize how unrealistic my expectations for myself have been in this season of life. Days later with lots of rest and slowing down, my perspective is one of appreciation and gratitude…with the recommitment to ease and less busyness. I didn’t see last week’s tarot reading but I FELT it and am so relieved to see the shift this week!

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Oh my, Mariah! Sending all the healing your way and lots of solidarity - unexpected illnesses with a toddler are ROUGH. So glad you were able to rest and reframe and are on the mend!

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Less busyness is definitely needed over here! healing vibes to you and your child, Mariah!

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Thanks, Bethany! Here's to dismantling the patriarchy one nap at a time! :D

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Loving these cards and the vibe of cheer they bring to the week. At the end of the week we'll be having our first round of summer visitors and it seems so fitting for the 3 of cups energy. Gathering to celebrate creativity and the avant garde ;) I am so grateful to have found your tarot writings in 2020. This space is a source of encouragement that helps me celebrate my tiny victories and face difficult challenges. the idea that "not everything has to be a serious endeavor with a consequential goal." really landed with me. I have a strong drive to make things happen NOW, haha (the knight vibes). But that is not always what is needed or necessary. inviting this energy of play and joy (2 pentacles) as I tend to the details of daily life has really been shining this week. Feeling grateful for this home, my family, and my very wild cat that takes me on adventures in re-wilding myself and my less contained nature. Many blessings to y'all as we navigate the summer here in the Northern hemisphere and Winter for any of you joining in from the Southern hemisphere. Shine your strength and courageous heart! <3

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