Jun 10Liked by Gina Wisotzky

This feels like a kind of cool reading to go along with the June spread! If the Queen of Swords is the queen of sorrows, then maybe the 3 of Swords is like a step along the path to master suffering by really feeling it. You can’t know how to forgive without having first been hurt by someone or some situation (which is very inconvenient!), and maybe the Queen of Swords is a kind of invitation to forgive. Thanks for insight on how to navigate the intensity of this week! I’m weirdly looking forward to seeing how it all plays out!

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Jordan! I couldn’t love this more!! What an insightful connection - it’s already helping me work with this week, thank you!

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Nice! People often forget that even at their gnarliest, the fives have that redeeming streak of Martian energy too.

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So true! And I LOVE “redeeming streak of Martian energy”!! So well put

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the transition point's definitely need that Martian boost!

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Jun 11Liked by Gina Wisotzky

Thank you Gina 🙏 I needed this really badly. The judgement is kind of stalking me right now so when I saw the card I knew this reading was meant for me. Definitely dealing with rejection narratives at the moment and I really want to change my perspective on it. I love the 3 of swords visually is one of my favorite cards but when you are going through it is hell but your perspective info just feel it and also that analogy of the 5 of swords of just keep walking and you’ll find a way were a light in the tunnel.

Thank you so much. Sending you love from Mexico 🇲🇽💖🙏

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So fascinating to hear Judgment has been showing up in your readings, Lilo! Will be curious to hear how it unfolds; thanks so much for sharing and being here!

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oof, rejection narratives... I feel you! Thank you for sharing and sending some extra self-love your way!

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Catching up on the weekly readings and wow. I am in the midst of becoming what i've been longing to be, and perhaps what I have always known myself to be... but it is sticky and tricky with habitual conditioning. Judgment's "horn blast to the face" made me giggle, as I know the feeling so well, the "wake up" vibe. How is the suffering by your own hand? 5 pentacles feelings. I appreciate this space for reflection so much and for all of your insights in the comments adding to the depth and beauty of these weekly readings and check ins. Blessings to y'all and Happy Solstice and Full Moon! and First day of Gemini (in Sidereal Astro). ;) So many shifts and changes, a definite peak sun vibe!

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