Incandescent Tarot
Incandescent Tarot Podcast
October 2023 Monthly Forecast

October 2023 Monthly Forecast

deep satisfaction in the process & genuine connections

We’ve finally done it! Our two month exploration (expedition? ordeal?) of the Five of Pentacles is over. This month, we’re in a state of natural focus and determination illustrated by the Eight of Pentacles. Following this card’s dedicated work ethic is opening up a world of joyful connections via the Three of Cups, not to mention a dose of much-needed levity and tenderness. Oh, and did I mention traction? We’re being given the unique opportunity to learn more about the tempting dreams that have lured us off our path in the past as the Ace of Pentacles appears in our ‘challenge’ section, showing us how we may want to use newness, potential, and fantasy to avoid the success we’re working towards. Instead, these cards encourage us to adopt the stance of the Four of Pentacles: deep enduring awareness of our resources, pride in our ability to structure our lives, and devotion to maintaining what we have and staying the course.

Incandescent Tarot
Incandescent Tarot Podcast
Tarot, magic, and spirituality for modern life