Incandescent Tarot
Incandescent Tarot Podcast
May 2024 Monthly Forecast

May 2024 Monthly Forecast

a personal coronation, pausing judgment, and easing into sweetness

This month’s reading has a fresh energy, led by the formidable and fiery King of Wands. In May we'll be stepping into our power and ambition, showing up, and making things happen. Temperance invites us to balance this output with steady, dedicated care for both ourselves and our communities while Judgment gives us a somewhat comical alarm for when we’re getting off-course. Why pass judgment when we can be chill, focusing on tending to our cups? These cards remind us that life is not a zero-sum game and that change does not lead to a static outcome. Not only this, but the Two of Cups shows us how our new relationships, passions, and artistic or spiritual pursuits are a source of both pleasure and promising growth.

Incandescent Tarot
Incandescent Tarot Podcast
Tarot, magic, and spirituality for modern life