Incandescent Tarot
Incandescent Tarot Podcast
February 2024 Monthly Forecast

February 2024 Monthly Forecast

it's swordsy, but in a good way??

February’s reading features a bevy of swords cards. We’re poised to step into the shoes (and throne) of the discerning and stoic King of Swords while struggling against “Knight of Swords impulses” in ourselves and others to rush to conclusions, have the first and last word, and figure it all out. Yet underneath it all, we’re undergoing a slow and steady journey away from ideas and expectations we’ve outgrown. The Six of Swords shows a deliberate choice to take responsibility for ourselves and remain open to input from the world around us. Think sailing across the river vs. sweating to build a whole bridge. All this complexity, if we choose to engage with it, steers us towards the fertile shore of The Star where wisdom and peace await. Sounds alluring! And well worth the pointedness of the rest of our reading.

Incandescent Tarot
Incandescent Tarot Podcast
Tarot, magic, and spirituality for modern life