Incandescent Tarot
Incandescent Tarot Podcast
December 2023 Monthly Forecast

December 2023 Monthly Forecast

say goodbye to the Five of Pentacles!

December is here! In this last forecast for 2023, we’re visited by the introspective, questing Hermit who invites us to go inward to find authentic, actionable, and realistic ways to navigate tradition, structure, and lineage represented by The Hierophant (and the entire holiday season). We may find ourselves tempted to overindulge and distract ourselves with celebration and socialization through the Three of Cups; however, healthy expansion can be found in recognizing the meaningful actions we’ve been taking individually and collectively so that we can continue to practice them moving forward. Listen in for the entire reading and be sure to leave a rating and review or share if you found this forecast helpful.

Incandescent Tarot
Incandescent Tarot Podcast
Tarot, magic, and spirituality for modern life